Hijab Beautiful HD Camera is an application hijab photo montage with the latest styles.
With the HD features, see your pictures will be brighter and nicer. In this application, you can try a variety of models of costumes Muslim clothing which has been combined with the latest hijab cool and 2017. With a background that is very interesting, you can appear more feminine and more cool.
Various models of hijab in this app you can use for inspiration or ideas interesting. You can also learn to combine Muslim clothing with hijab will you use. With this application, you can look more beautiful and also more fashionable and modern look.
Let's look more beautiful with hijab ornate, such as headbands, sunglasses, a nice bag, and the beautiful scenery around it.
Clothing fashion hijab has several categories hijab hijab ootd and street fashion. Both types of stye hijab are very suitable for use by young women. Hijab is in this application has soft colors, so the women who wear it will look feminine.
This application is also very suitable for selfie with great photo effects, so you look more feminine, fashionable, cool, beautiful and attractive.
edelweiss developer offers a wide range of very interesting features for you who want to wear this hijab style.
Features, and how to use:
1. There are a variety of the latest hijab frame that is a trend in this year.
2. It can take a picture from the gallery.
3. There is a feature to flip or mirror image photo editor.
4. There are many stickers are suitable for the hijab, such as a crown, flower crowns, glasses, and other accessories for beauty hijab.
5. There is a feature overlays that can be used to match the color of your skin. By adjusting skin tones that exist, the placement of your face will be more perfect.
6. Add Text allows you to add text, so photos have you can edit more colorful with beautiful sentences or aphorisms.
7. With the save button, you can save your pictures in the gallery android.
8. The share button is used to share a photo that you have edited and you can send them to social networks you have.
9. Set As, used to make wallpaper, can also be used to change the profile photo, dp or display picture.
10. Slide your photo and put your face right on the holes provided.
11. You can see the results of your work in this application with ease.
* To get a perfect result, you can combine with the camera application beauty makeup selfie photo editor which can whiten the skin, clearing acne or remove spots on the face, and also provide an excellent makeup effects.
Use the right face to get a perfect result. Thanks.